Friday, July 15, 2016


I know for many out there, this is a very sensitive subject to touch on. A lot of us black Africans and Nigerians especially are very religious people and are easily triggered to argument and hate when religious issues arise.
Well, I am not going to be discussing what religion you practice or belong to. I am only interested in ensuring you succeed in life and that you live your dreams, acquire the things you desire in life, be happy and prosper in good health. So, I ask, could religion be the reason for your poverty?
I want to state clearly that I strongly believe and have faith in God. I believe firmly that He is the author and finisher of all things and the creator of heaven and earth. But I also believe strongly that religion has made a lot of our young people lazy, worthless and has kept them in a state of inertia.
I was a victim of religion in the early days of my life. When I finished NYSC (Youth Service Corp) I believed that my next meal has to come from God. I didn't have any plan, I didn't set any goals, i had no vision what so ever. I just lived in the days waiting for God to send me a job, someone to give me money for food, some one to ask me what my problems were. I practically waited for God to do everything for me. I went to church consistently, paid tithes even when i wasn't working, gave offerings, and looked up to God for everything. At some point I located a church were many of the big politicians and government officials worshiped with the hope that one day any of them will notice me and ask me, "young man how can i help you?" That chance never came.
I was being blinded by religion. I forgot God has given me the power to set goals, to make plans, and have visions and the strength to pursue them and realize them. I forgot that i have to be the one to make a move and then let God guide my moves. I was waiting for God to make a move for me.
My story above is the story of many young people today. A lot of young people don't have visions- of what they desire or want to be in the near future, yet they want to succeed. They just let life toss them around like a ship in the ocean without a rudder or compass. A master once asked, who wants to build a house without first drawing a plan and estimating what it will cost to build the house?
Look around you. I mean it, just take a good look around you. What can you see? A chair? Computer? The phone you are using to read this message? A wall? Television? clock? cup? whatever you can see was first envisioned, imagined, planned, and then created by someone. How can you succeed if you don't have a plan, goals, or vision and you go to church, mosque every day praying for a change of life and status?
Don't let religion and religious leaders deceive you. Even they are living their own dreams and making a fortune out of you while you are empty, goalless, and directionless without plan or future. It is good to serve God. But God wants you to serve Him with a purpose and with a dream. You are built for something, and God has given you the power to create. So stop asking God to create for you what you can great for yourself. George Benard Shaw once said that successful people are people who look for favourable situations or circumstances and if they can't find any, they create one. Create the situation you want for your life and stop waiting on God or religion to do that for you. Some of the poorest people are the ones who leave in religious houses, yet year to year their situations never changes. Ever ask yourself why?
Don't let religion cripple you and steal you God-given power to create and live a full life of potential and impact. You can read the bible or the Quran and seek interpretations from God and his holy spirit and believe me, He will guide you.
Don't let religion render you lazy. You have the power to receive all you desired and envisioned. It's in you.
You can be better!!

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