Monday, August 31, 2015


1.   Begin with taking the decision to succeed and break free from poverty and joblessness. You must decide. If it has to be, it's up to you.

2. Set goals. Determine what you can do to break free from poverty. It must be legal and must serve people's needs. Make it a goal then to satisfy that need people feel around you.

3. Plan. Have a plan. Write it down. Don't be afraid if you don't know where or how to start. Just keep a pen and paper around. Continue to think and believe in your goals...surely your instinct will pull through.

4. Be Confident. Trust your gut instincts. Be proud. Be bold. Even the most successful people were once naive. But be strong and keep your head high. Believe in yourself by believing in your goals.

5. Believe. If you don't believe in what you want to do, how then can you convince anyone of your idea, goals, or intentions? Your success begins with you BELIEVING!

6. Be Fearless! Fear is the greatest killer of destiny. Never be afraid, even to fail. Failure itself its part of the plan to your greatness and success. Every successful person today once had failure knocking at their doors. Expect failure but NEVER embrace it.  Keep standing...just as you would stand up whenever you trip and fall. Never give in to failure when mistakes hits you. Move on!

7. Learn to trust. When you meet the right people, you will know. Learn to trust people in your life. Make good friends, abandon the one's who poison your mind with negative energy and words. Learn to also trust yourself first. Do a SWOT (Strenght. Weakness. Opportunity. Threats) analysis of yourself and always be sincere. Never lie to yourself no matter the situation. Be real!

8. Ask. Never be afraid to ask for help as long as you are sincere about your needs. Every successful person today was once helped by someone and many still get help today. Never be shy to ask for help when you need it, but don't ever abuse the privilege.

9. Give up? No way! Your age doesn't count. It is immaterial how old you are. You can be and achieve whatever you focus your mind on. Your mind will always be younger than your body. Age should never be a barrier to your dreams. Don't give up!

10. Act! If you don't act on your dreams, plans and goals you are like a lion without a heart. Acting on your plans is all that makes the difference. If you want change, you must act for it to come. Take action today and all will be well.!

Thanks and have a fulfilled week!