Wednesday, September 9, 2015


How important is time to you? What do you spend your time on?   There is a general axiom that says "Time waits for no man".  Successful entrepreneurs and businesses men invest their time wisely in things and activities that enhance their ventures and businesses. More importantly, they account for every time they spend each day to ensure they have judiciously used their most priceless possession - TIME. Successful people have not time to waste. Every second of the day is priceless.

To be a successful entrepreneur, watch what you spend your time on. Make sure to use your time, invest and focus on the goals and targets you have set for yourself. The time people waste on watching tv, playing video games, chatting with friends and playing around with their mobile phones etc can be properly channelled to more meaningful gains. To determine whether you will be successful in life, observe what you spend your 24 hours on. That way, if your are truthful enough to yourself, you will know where your life is heading to.

To begin a new leaf in managing your time to successful ends, start by at least spending 2 hours of your day on your goals and then gradually increase the time from 2 to 3 to 4 to 5 to 5 hours a day. By the time you know it, you are close to achieving your goals and would be happy knowing how you use and spend your time.

Invest your time in your future. You can be better!

~Don Nwokedi

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